IDEA has a long and successful partnership with BINI regarding software for fan-coils selection.
From this year, IDEA created new software: DYNAMIC HVAC BIM which represents a plus for existing selection software.
Dynamic HVAC BIM allows connection of selection software with BIM technology which has a very important role in HVAC industry.
Video below represents a tutorial of how selection software is combined with Dynamic HVAC BIM.
Why BIM?
• BIM made an important transformation in engineering, therefore also in HVAC industry.
• BIM objects can be upgraded with very important information in 21st century, such as: building's life cycle, estimation of energy consumption requirements, cost estimates and sustainability
• BIM is becoming a must in designing process for public projects.
• BIM objects help designers and engineers to understand the product and to integrate them in the project
• Use of correct BIM objects with detailed (dynamic) parameters speeds up the designing process and gives the designer the possibility to make a wide range of evaluations in a short period of time before choosing the most suitable product for his project.
Why DYNAMIC approach is important?​
•saves more than the 80% of time for designing and decision making, compared to use of regular 'static/general' BIM models.
•Many BIM objects of HVAC equipment have generic parameters (nominal values)
•Combining selection software and BIM, IDEA created a way of including all specific calculation from selection software, directly in BIM object.
•These parameters can be integrated directly in BIM compatible software like BIM vision, Revit, or saved in IFC file format.
IFC is an interoperation solution used in different BIM software. It allows to save all model information during transmission from different applications, designers etc.
In the presentation below, you can check all advantages of DYNAMIC HVAC BIM and how it is combined with BINI selection software.